Antony Blinken: This Is What I Told China’s President Xi And Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Secretary of State Antony Blinken holds a press briefing in Beijing, China, after meeting with top Chinese officials. Fuel your …


Author: Forbes Breaking News

49 thoughts on “Antony Blinken: This Is What I Told China’s President Xi And Foreign Minister Wang Yi

  1. Viv senator Guy Phillipe president of Haiti! The voice of the people is the voice of God. Viv president Guy Phillipe ABA Caricom with the nine corrupt politicians in Haiti!

  2. The Americans are treading on morally slippery ground by voicing these accusations against China. Probably, the same arguments could be used for them by many other countries simply because of their history of military aggression against "sovereign countries," as they like to say. Others may already be arguing that the looting of land, which they are trying to justify through colonization policies in the West Bank, as well as the recent shameless killings of Palestinian civilians, would undoubtedly not have happened "without US military support."

  3. just before xi welcomed blinken he askes his assistant when blinken will return home. that just shows how much they think of this guy. it is like he visists china every month.

  4. He is blaming China for Russia's defeat of NATO .

    NATO just can't swallow the fact that Russia defeated NATO multiple times. Destroyed 3 full Ukrainian armies over 800.000 soldiers killed more injured..

    NATO top tanks didn't stand the chance against Russia…

    The US is trying to tell the world " look Russia can't beat the US without China..but help…But Russia and China are 2 countries against 30 NATO countries…Pulse Russia actually has been helping the Chinese military for many years…

    Go on delete this comment again..

  5. blinken i think he meant talking about netenyahu not putin, amazing how he condemn russia killing of women men children in ukraine, but doesnt adress the same description to israel doing to gazans, peak of tyranny, real face of hypporcasy

  6. The “new China” began to seize Manchuria, then “east Turkestan”, then southern Mongolia, then Yunnan, then Tibet, then Ladakh then Hong Kong, Macau, soon? Taiwan, the territorial waters up to the Philippines on one side and Vietnam on the other… All this without Hindu, Russian or American reactions…

  7. 290,000 Chinese students in the USA

    and 900 US students in China, the American people want more reasonable reciprocity, especially since Chinese students in the USA are actually taking places from American students!

  8. kasalanan nyu yan kung noon pinabayaan nyu naglaban ang russia at china edi sana di kayu sinusuwag ng mga checkwa kahit puro kayu pabida di nyu magawang pigilin dahil handa mga yan makipagpatayan sainyu

  9. Biden is a weak crooked president and his administration is destroying America and its people..the Chinese have taken advantage of this..that balloon got so much data from all the frequency signals in America mostly from military bases..Biden and the administration is a weakening America and its people..TRUMP 2024

  10. If you were 100 percent american, you would have told him that he will never see the land he bought lol. And stay over there and leave us alone. Also, not paying you back. Have a good day sir. A real pleasure doin business with you.

  11. China and america foolling each other and talk like a friends. Who's suffer on consequence of this game?only small nation became a pawn or proxy on their stupid game of competation. Btw no matter how complicated it is. We are side of america From Philippines brother.

  12. what u say make no difference from last meeting only lost of dignity and credibility simple
    china have own ways of dealing with no honor and no credibility country

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