Antony Blinken reacts when President Joe Biden refers to Chinese leader Xi Jinping a ‘dictator’

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reacts when President Joe Biden referred to Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a ‘dictator’: …


Author: 11Alive

37 thoughts on “Antony Blinken reacts when President Joe Biden refers to Chinese leader Xi Jinping a ‘dictator’

  1. Blinken is such a bellend. Not only does he not brief his staff on what to tell senile joe but he spread the oct 7th B.S. the idf have a response time of 3 minutes. So hamas grabbed babies at a music festival and beheaded them and threw them into a fire and raped tons of women to death. So hamas is the flash and isreal needs billions of extra American tax payer money on top of what it already gets ( billions). They really really think we are pure stupid

  2. Blinken look tired seriously !! Its okay you call xi dictator in private but not in public ‘ it’s stupidity ! Billions of dollars in trade all the investments , relations ! What biden want another fukin cold war or actual war ?? We are not ready for this shit seriously!! Old psycho politicians blabbering and young people died ‘ what humanity achieved? After vietnam war ? Korean war ? Iraq ? Syria ? Now palestine thousands of infants died ! Bombing hospitals .

  3. 美国屠杀伊拉克人时说这是为了给伊拉克人带来文明。既然如此,美国应该感谢我的祖父,他年轻时在朝鲜战争中杀死过很多美国军人,他为美国带来了文明。

  4. The Psychopaths have truly taken over the asylum.. And you the people have no power on them or their centralised power.. God bless us all.
    And our children and grandchildren as they take us all to hell.
    Funny how the people that killed us we build nuclear bunkers for… Madness 😢.
    If you the people truly believe in democracy tell me how you've got the power to stop this. You have been shafted and your families

  5. Let’s be fair: either way it isn’t a win. If Biden said no, then he’ll piss of both his party and the Republicans will go batshit crazy and call him soft on China. If he said yes, then he’d piss of his own state department.

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