Antony Blinken Asked About Israeli Airstrike Killing A Hezbollah Commander In Lebanon

Sec. Antony Blinken on Monday, was asked about an Israeli airstrike that killed a Hezbollah commander in Lebanon. Fuel your …


Author: Forbes Breaking News

40 thoughts on “Antony Blinken Asked About Israeli Airstrike Killing A Hezbollah Commander In Lebanon

  1. HYPOCRITES / The Biden administration has decided to bypass Congress and approve the sale of weapons to Israel, engaged in the war against Hamas. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has approved – without consulting the US Parliament – the sale of 155 mm artillery shells to Israel, worth 147 million dollars.

  2. Didn’t answer the first question about Israel’s assassinations provoking Hezbollah. Instead blows smoke about a diplomatic solution despite the glaring hypocrisy of the answer. Wow.

  3. Blinken as usual is lying. Disgusting that he cites 100,000 displaced Zionists and ignores over a million displaced and another endangered million and dead/wounded/sick 100s of thousands.

    Hezbollah has stood guarding the southern third of Lebanon from the Zionists who claimed it since 1948.

    Israel intends genocide there as in Gaza and West Bank, and has from time to time co-opted Marionite Lebanese Christians to their side.

    Calling the three H groups "Iran backed" is propaganda.

    This filthy war criminal trying to continue arms shipments to Israel via Red Sea, and the 40 countries he coerced into also complaining, should be silenced at least until ICJ rules on the South Africa complaint.

    Until then at least:

    Yemen acts to support the 1948 Geneva convention against genocide. US attacks killing Houthi are in support of genocide. Yemen can join or file its own genocide complaint against the USA.

    A=AIPAC, B=BlackRock, C=CIA, D=DNC that's who sponsored this very poor pretense at analysis.

  4. 100,000 Israelis are out of their homes on stolen land your a joke Mr Blinken there are 3 million Palestinians with no homes because of the bombs your supplying lets just be honest you only have 1 loyalty

  5. It's very clear this is not America's war. These people have been fighting each other for hundreds of years. They don't give a damm what America thinks. Let them go, let them do what they have to do. Stop wasting my tax dollars

  6. US leadership is so weak…you cannot reason with terror…you cannot negotiate with ppl that think it's a blessing to die for Allaa.
    The world needs Trump. As weird as it sounds, you need irrational person to deal with irrational ppl.

  7. Just saying… without UN, US involvement and weakness leadership, Israel would have ended the whole thing 1m ago.
    The fuel that US forced Israel to put into gaza made the terrorists hold longer in thier tunnels.
    Such a weak world leadership…

  8. He does not want the con f li ct to escalate to a wider wa r but he & his co rr up t ai pac owned boss continue to supply the is ra elis with we a po n s, $$, and protection in the UN. This is beyond immoral. This is sickening.

  9. The United States cannot classify Israel as genocidal, because it is atomic genocidal, biochemical genocidal and ecocidal in Vietnam.

    White House Secretary: 'United States does not support ceasefire in Gaza'
    During a press conference this Tuesday (9), the strategic communications coordinator of the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, stated that the United States is not currently supporting a ceasefire in Gaza.

  10. America needs “Leaders” that promote collaboration, peace, unity and resolutions! Bring in the experts! Col Daniel Davis
    Col Douglas Macgregor
    Col Lawrence Wilkerson
    Col Karen Kwiatkowski
    Scott Ritter former USMC intelligence officer, former UNSCOM
    Tony Shaffer – Former Intel Officer
    Larry Johnson former CIA officer
    Judge Andrew Napolitano
    Matthew Hoh – Former State Dept

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